Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Murphy Footage

Here is more about Murphy:

We're having lots of fun with Murphy... can you spoil a dog?!?!


Tara Steffen Fotos said...

great pics~ I'm sure he feels "loved" not spoiled!
Have fun with him!

soli deo gloria said...

hmmm. . .where did you get that dog?? Didn't you see our post about puppies!? JK-they all went to good homes :) We love our pup too! jane

Carol said...

He is absolutely adorable! The kids enjoyed watching your video.

Mark, Lana, Addelynn, and Eleanor Rohrer said...

Glad you decided to get a dog. And surely you can't spoil a dog if you can't spoil kids!

Anonymous said...

cool he is cute

Anonymous said...

i like it