Thanks so much Tara it was fun.
Check it out:
Note: Some of you may be seeing these pictures again--I am starting to think Christmas cards.
As you can see he has really grown; however, he still is a puppy. He can run like a speeding car and jump like a high jumper (just a note: if you live in a house with kids that do not like pets these are not good qualities for your dog to have).
Normally, Murphy stays in a very large pen and that keeps him away from guests we may have and it also keeps off the road, but we let him run free each day you should see him go.
This is the picture I took of Murphy--see he know that if he wants me to pet him he must lay down. The only problem is sometimes he forgets. He looks so sweet here. He can be if he is not digging up flowers, jumping on someone or something else he is not supposed to be doing.
Yes--It sure filled out nicely.
OK this was going to be the entire post--but then I realized it kind of sounded like I have spent my summer watering this--well it was more than this one. I am slightly obsessed with flowers. I love all the color in the summer. It always amazes me, how you can put a couple of plants in a tube and they fill it to overflowing. I makes me kind of sad to see the blooms starting to fade away. So before I go I thought I share a few more pictures.
He is really enjoying it and so are we, it has been fun to watch and learn more about the game.
Speaking of learning, I have been working on my texting skills. That is the best way to keep in touch with Landon. Because we have prepaid phones it actually uses less minutes to text. I am pleased to say I am getting much better at it. I can now even read the entire message he sends me--instead of just the beginning (long story!!)
Well I must be going--it is getting late and you know what that means--everyone will be home soon. Have a great day!!