Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow day

Well, I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I can't believe that it is already the 12th day in January--the first month of the new year is almost half over! WOW and I am just getting around to my first blog post. Oops!

The kids are home from school today! Yes, we did receive quiet a bit of snow; however, I don't think it is really too bad outside.

The kids are enjoying their time off. Today is the first time they have played in the snow since last year. So they are having fun.

All, except Lauren. She has had this bump on her foot for a couple of months--so we went to the doctor today. It was a wart--they froze it the office. Hopefully that will take care of the little wart and we don't have any complications.

Hope you are having a great day.


Tara Steffen Fotos said...

Yikes, warts are no fun!

If I wasn't sick, snow days would be more fun. So my house looks like we had a snow day. Oh well.

Carol said...

No snow day for us, but we did get some snow for the kids to play in.

I hope Lauren gets better quickly.